
Evaluations & Trainings

DakotaLink conducts evaluations and training activities throughout the state to continue promoting assistive technology awareness and improve access to assistive technology devices and services.



If you live with a disability, or begin losing some functioning due to an injury or aging, you certainly adapt to many daily situations as best you can – often without putting much thought into it. This natural process of “getting by,” important as it is, may make it difficult to look beyond your situational adaptations to the much fuller options assistive technology makes possible. An evaluation by one of DakotaLink’s certified assistive technology specialists is the first step toward realizing your full potential.

It’s possible an evaluation could analyze every waking hour of your typical day. Much more likely, though, your evaluation will focus on aspects of your life that are especially in need of improvement. Perhaps you require better access to your community, or help succeeding in school or at work. Whatever the case, you’ll drive the evaluation process forward by expressing your difficulties, hopes, and goals. Contact us now to make an appointment.



DakotaLink conducts training activities throughout the state to continue promoting assistive technology awareness and improve access to assistive technology devices and services. One way to accomplish this is to educate individuals with functional limitations, the elderly, family members, service providers, medical professionals, and community members about the benefits of Assistive Technology. Individualized training for the use of specific kinds of assistive technology is offered by nationally certified Rehabilitation Technologist’s within the DakotaLink staff.

Training takes place on an individual, group, conference or community level, with audiences of consumers, professionals and policy-makers through Topic and Device Specific Workshops, DakotaLink Demonstration Centers, Team Evaluations and Assessments, as well as presentations at conferences, civic meetings, health fairs, professional and Consumer Meetings.

Topics of training include: 

  • Accessible Electronic and Information Technology
  • Empowerment and self advocacy
  • Consumer Choice (selecting devices)
  • Funding Issues related to Assistive Technology
  • Assistive Technology in the Classroom
  • Alternative Computer Access
  • Basics of Assistive Technology
  • Assistive Technology for the Elderly
  • Assistive Technology for Infants and Children
  • Assistive Technology and the IEP

The projected outcome of training is that individuals with disabilities and their families will obtain the needed appropriate assistive technology in a timely manner, resulting in maximum independence and productivity for the individual needing assistive technology.